Monday, August 25, 2008

Tomorrow The ECISD Board Will Discuss The Tax Rate!

Click to view this PDF file. It talk about everything you want to know about the bond issue.

Look to your far right the headline is how are we going to pay back the $111 Million dollars. Carmen and co are going to approve the new tax rate from $1.11 a year ago to $1.26 for the 2008-09 school year. It says that with state support our tax rate would go up only 7 cents. Without state support our tax rate would go up 16 cents.

Looks like Carmen and co got wind that the state is not going to give us any money. And that is why they want to approve the new tax rate of $1.26. You LIED to get your bond election passed. We are getting zero monies from the state. And we the taxpayers are the ones that will suffer. Especially, at a time when the economy is not doing to well. Seventy five percent of all americans think we are in a recession. And you now want to add more to the tax rate?

Your bond committee lied to all of us. You lied to get the bond election passed. So how are you going to handle this one Carmen Gonzalez? Are you going to put the blame on the bond committee for lying to the community? If that is the case. Then you have some explaining to do when your treasurer was on the bond committee. You said in your kickoff that you were an honest person. Really? From where?

I encourage all taxpayers to go to the board meeting tomorrow and raise hell!