There seems to be a scandal brewing in the edinburg school district. Channel 4 ran a story about a security guard handcuffing a child. What they didn't tell you was that this incident happened a couple of weeks ago.
Why was it handed to the media AFTER a vote was taken to keep the security guard? Looks like politics played a role in this incident. Not because of what happened to the child, but because how the school board voted. There is now an internal investigation to see who released this tape to the media.
But we already know who it was. It was the school attorney Jacques Trevino on the instruction of Carmen and Omar Palacios. If these people were so concerned about nepotism. Then we would not have the Edinburg chief of police' son working for the district.
Carmen and co have the majority at this time. So blame these idiots. Look for the parents of the child to file a multi million dollar lawsuit against the district. Which means more controversy on how the tape was issued to the media.
Jacques is only doing what he is told. You jump! And Jacques asks how high? We shall see how this internal investigation ends up. I can already tell you it's going to end up. Carmen and co protect there own, including the school attorney. Which I for one think he is a complete idiot.
The family of this child should also file a lawsuit on an individual basis. And that lawsuit should come against Jacques Trevino for being incompetent. Welcome to the edinburg school district. Where corruption is the new standard.