EDINBURG — Representatives of a local union plan to protest in front of the Edinburg school district's central office tonight because they claim the district is denying their right to freedom of association.
Representatives of the Southwest Workers' union claim the Edinburg school district has denied them access to campuses to they can make presentations to employees. They also accuse the district of not allowing members to have dues automatically deducted from their paychecks.
The Southwest Workers' Union represents more then 3,000 school district auxiliary employees in San Antonio, Austin and the Rio Grande Valley. Auxiliary employees include custodial, cafeteria, maintenance workers and bus drivers.
The district denies those claims, saying it has allowed all organizations to come onto campuses during different events to talk with employees, said Jacques Treviño, the district's attorney.
Current members already have their dues deducted; the union wanted new employees to have their dues automatically deducted as well, Treviño said, but it's not worth now it because there are only only three pay periods left this school year. But the district said it would set up the payment plans for the following school year, Treviño said.
It's time to fire the school attorney! How in the hell did this guy get hired?