Friday, February 20, 2009

Nobody Showed Up

If I would say that 30 people were there, that would be to much. I was pretty shocked to see nobody showing up. I even had to make sure that it was even scheduled for yesterday. Pretty sad if you ask me. Goes to show what people actually think about the idiot.

Now for some interesting news:

There is a certain person contemplating running against Noe Garza. I have been hammering this person's family time and time again. But if this person would decide to run against Noe Garza. You would have E-News on your side. You could say politics makes strange bedfellows. And NO it's not a Palacios.

The only time we have lost is when the elections are in Nov. You could say we lost with the candidate going against Gene Espinoza. But that candidate didn't do a damn thing we told him to do.

So, we still have a pretty damn good record when running in May. So, this goes out to the person contemplating running against Noe Garza.

If you run you will have our vote. And I will continue to go after Noe for you. Anything to get this SOB out of office.