Start acting like you are the president of the United States. You got elected because of the people wanting change. You should bring in new people with new ideas, not the same ole same ole, that have been from the Clinton administration. Or have sat in congress for years. Bring in new blood, with new idea.
As for your stimulus package! I can see how it is losing public approval. You asked for ideas from the congress and now your getting 100's of things included in this stimulus package. I am sure there is a lot of pork for these people's dist. You are the president of the United States. Stick to what got you there. Cut all the pork out of the stimulus package and focus on the task at hand.
The sub prime loans on housing is what got us into this mess. You can continue to throw money at the banks, but if they don't lend then what did you accomplish?
Focus on the housing and the people in foreclosure. Also, focus on people that are in good standings paying there mortgage. Like some sort of tax incentive.
Joe Ochoa
Could Ochoa be gearing up for a run at congress? All indication is that Ruben Hinojosa will step down this coming summer. Not to add that Ochoa was one of the few elected officials that endorsed Obama for president. Which means, Obama can sure raise money for Ochoa.
Pinche Huevon
No I'm not talking about Aaron Pena or the elephant man. I am talking about a 4x8 located on UTPA grounds, on 107 and sugar rd. It says I find out that this is some sort of comedy show put together by UTPA students. I am saddened that these people had to name it this. I am also saddened that the UTPA administration would advertise this. Now you know why we are UTPA.