Friday, February 06, 2009

Just A Thought

Now that Ochoa is not running for re election. Why not throw out the trash? Ramiro Garza director of EDC who is the only person to have a six month golden parachute in his contract should be fired. The man is incompetent and a waste of taxpayer money.

Our legislatures should file legislation to abolish the EDC all together. It's just a committee who gives money away to businesses who are thinking about coming to Edinburg. Have you heard anything about this textile business that wants to come to edinburg and secure 800 jobs for us? No! Any word on the Verizon call center that wants to come to Edinburg? No!

As for the textile business Richard "the elephant" man gave away the land for 1 million dollars. Now, this company is asking for even more incentives.

Richard Garcia said No to the DPS corporate office to be built in Edinburg, because he wants a Verizon call center to come down.

Well, Richard "elephant man" Garcia where are these so called businesses.

This is the same idiot who wants to be mayor? The same idiot who said No to the tax freeze for the elderly and disabled.

The same idiot who wants to bring back Wendy Smith. Who wants to bring back the P family! The same idiot who went over budget some 10 million dollars for our new city hall.

Shall I keep on!