What a year 2008 was! From good times to mostly rough times. But at least we all have our health to be thankful for. Any new year's resolutions? Ours is to continue to bring you both sides of every story.
The candidate tells you there side. And we tell you the other things the candidate forgot to include. 2009 is the year that chaos will be coming to edinburg. You will see a campaign like know other. We are gearing up for one hell of a campaign. This year we will do something very different. We will start to mail out our stories to every single taxpayer in Edinburg. We want to make sure E-News is in your living room.
So to all you candidates gearing up for this coming May! Beware! E-News is a greased machine and well financed. So get your popcorn ready cause this is going to be simply chaotic.