The title says it all!
Bankruptcy filing throws future of pro baseball in Valley into question
EDINBURG — The murky future of United League Baseball and the Edinburg Coyotes has gotten even more unclear.
On Monday, United Sports Equities - the company that operates the league - filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in Broward County, Fla. The filing states that United Sports Equities has debts of $264,494.55, though some of the debts are disputed.
And this is the same man who wants to run again for Edinburg Mayor? Give me a break! It's not really Richard Garcia running. It's the whole Palacios family pulling the strings behind the scenes.
Are we ready to bring back Wendy Smith (divorced) as Edinburg city manager!
Are we ready to bring back Daniel Rios as city attorney!
Are we ready to bring back Joseph Palacios as assistant city manager!
Noe Garza was the one who voted for Richard Garcia as EDC President when all of Edinburg told Richard and the P family to go to hell.
Richard Garcia said No to the tax freeze for the elderly and disabled. And now once again these people get to say NO to Richard Garcia!
Are you ready Mr. Richard Garcia? You threw the kitchen sink at Ochoa last time and you still lost. We didn't throw the kitchen sink, but you can better believe that sink will be thrown this time around.
Why does Richard wear a beard? And you didn't think anyone of us would find out. Shame on you Mr. Garcia!
Let the Edinburg Politics Begin! Boy do we have some good and very juicy information!