Leave it to Carmen Gonzalez to break every law in the book. Must mean the Palacios taught her well. After a principals meeting, Carmen was at the door greeting all the principals and letting them know that her good friend Gladdis Ortega is having drinks at her house tomorrow.
Yes, the same Gladdis that ordered purchase order after purchase order for NES. Do you think Gladdis is aware that Carmen is employed by NES? Of course she does! A packet has been hand delivered to every news media outlet in the Rio Grande Valley. Wanting all of them to do a story about all these allegations concerning NES and there employee Carmen Gonzalez.
Why doesn't Carmen want to have a debate? Yes, folks she is hiding something. She is hiding her employer of NES making almost 1 million dollars. I hope they not only fire all who knew. But I hope a criminal investigation will take place. You used your position on the school board to vote for your employer NES.
This story is not going away! Like I said before, the Palacios family taught you well.