Honors Gilbert Enriquez
Some people know the difference between leadership and a con artist. Aaron Pena on the other hand continues to endorse corruption. At his house located on McColl and and 107. Aaron has a sign for Carmen Gonzalez. And Aaron wants to fight corruption? Yeah right! Leave it up to this idiot to endorse people in local races. Your only going to get more and more enemies.
During his campaign Aaron announced that he wants to fight corruption. Well, Aaron what are you waiting for? Carmen is sure corrupted being employed by NES, while she continues to vote for her company to get contract after contract. But you won't hear a word for Mr. Fat Boy himself. Cause Carmen supported Aaron Pena. Aaron will not and can not go after the same people that supported him. AKA Walo Bazan!
Like I said before. Sarah Palin reminds me of Aaron Pena. Lie after lie after lie. Anything to get elected. Right Fat Boy?
Let the fireworks begin. All eyes should be focused on Carmen Gonzalez. Everything you have read here on E-News. Is now about to go to the media. Let see how Carmen deals with pressure.