Carmen Gonzalez a sales rep for NES. Page 11 of 19
NES and the contracts they have with the dist.
08-31-09 08-213 Math Instructional Materials & Aides page 4 of 5
08-31-09 08-31 Instructional Materials page 8 of 13
This election is not about teachers vs coaches. That is what Carmen would want you to believe. This election is about corruption and abuse of power. Has Carmen ever filled out a conflict of interest form? NO! Has she ever told the board that she can not vote because she is employed by the same company bidding for the contract? NO!
Carmen Gonzalez thirty plus years of educational experience and she thinks that she is doing nothing wrong.
Our superintendent Gilbert Garza saying it was an accident when David Torres' son was found with a gun on school property. You think your own son/daughter would have gotten the same treatment? Yeah right!
This election is about Mary Alice Palacios and how she continues to have family members work for her. It's all about corruption folks! As for Ciro it's not about the kids of our dist. It's about naming a fine arts building after his late son. It all about what have you done for me lately! Right Carmen and Ciro! Like I said before and I will say it again. You are all rats taking notes out of the P family. Now you know why the P family continues to support these RATS!