S.B 1133 filed by Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa
AN ACT relating to the date of the general election for certain political
SECTIONA1.AASection 41.0051,Election Code,is repealed.
SECTIONA2.AA(a)Not later than December 31,2009,each of
the following shall choose a uniform election date for its general
election for officers in 2011 and subsequent years:
(1)AAthe governing body of a city that held its general
election for officers in 2007 on a date authorized by Section
41.0051,Election Code;and
(2)AAan independent school district located wholly or
partly in a city described by Subdivision (1)of this subsection.
(b)AAThe governing body of a political subdivision required
to change its election date under this section shall adjust the
terms of office to conform to the new election date.
SECTIONA3.AAAll elections held under Section 41.0051,
Election Code,before the effective date of this Act are validated,
ratified,and confirmed in all respects.
SECTIONA4.AAThis Act takes effect September 1,2009.
NALEO to honor Senator Hinojosa and Mayor Ochoa
EDINBURG, March 11 - The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials is making its first ever visit to the Rio Grande Valley later this month to honor two local elected officials.
NALEO will mark the start of its "South Texas swing" beginning on March 25 with a special event honoring state Sen. Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa, D-McAllen, and Edinburg Mayor Joe Ochoa for their many years of public service.
The Voter Id Bill
I have been against this bill in the past. But I am now for it. You have to use your id to cash a check. Why not use your id to cast a vote? To teach in the state of texas you have get fingerprinted. We should try to protect the integrity of voting in the United States. There should be no reason to go against this bill. With all of the illegal immigrants we have here. Not to mention how the Palacios just pick up any Joe off the street to vote for there family members. I say let us pass this bill to make sure our elections are not crediable.