Friday, January 09, 2009

Just For Thought!

Why, in the world, does Richard Garcia want to be mayor? He has a lot of money! He could retire from his law firm. Him and Wendy can now be together. So, why does Richard want to be mayor?

Under his leadership we saw the new city hall go over budget some 10 million dollars.

We saw the new police station and how it looked like we were living in Reynosa. We saw the new location for the new library. And how you have to park at the cat stadium.

We also saw how he said NO for the tax freeze on the elderly and disabled.

He gave Ramiro Garza (EDC) a golden parachute clause of six months of pay if he were to get fired.

We saw him hire Nick P's son as assistant city manager.

We saw how he hired Daniel Rios, a partner with Nick's other son, as city attorney.

We saw how he got rid of the Roadrunners to bring in the Coyotes and part owner (Preston Hendrichson). Now, the league under which the Coyotes play have filed bankruptcy.

We saw him hire Wendy Sturgis Smith as city manager. (Now divorced)

So, why does he want to run for mayor?

Now he has Denise Adame Rodriguez as his treasurer. What happened to Joe Chapa? Who is Denise Adame Rodriguez? She is Alma Garza's sister's daughter. And she is married to Roel Rodriguez'(BIC) son.

You can bet your bottom dollar these two will have very good paying jobs within the city if Richard wins.

Richard is running because he got beat. Richard has a huge ego and not to mention the Palacios family.

At his kickoff speech he said that he had failed us. That's right Richard you did fail the taxpayers of Edinburg. The Edinburg taxpayer told you thanks but NO thanks.

I will ask again! Why does Richard Garcia wear a beard? Do you believe he is hiding something? Of course he's hiding something. The question is what? But we know what he's hiding. That's for a later date!