When Aaron Pena was a true democrat!
Total contributions:
Jan. 2002 $1,600.00
Feb. 11 2002 $4,320.00
Mar. 4 2002 $16,100.00
July 15 2002 $12,500
Feb. 9 2004 $54,315.00
May 1 2004 55,846.00
July 15 2004 $21,223.09
Aug.19,2005 $25,046.15
June 16 2006 $36,865.00
July 16 2006 $21,780.00
Jan 2007 $23,750
July 2007 $11,676.01
When Aaron Pena sold out to the Republican Party:
Total contributions: Craddick's BOY
Jan.15 2008 $78,950.00
Feb 2008 $62,100.00
Feb 25 2008 $170,498.77
July 15, 2008 $159,448
Now, with the speaker up for a vote in Jan. '09. Who do you think Aaron will vote for? Which means nothing for our dist. Don't be fooled folks! Aaron Pena loves to take credit for things he had nothing to do with. But then what do you expect from a compulsive liar.
From the Rumor Mill!
Gus Garcia is thinking about running for Edinburg Mayor! Well, it is a free country and everyone has the right to run for whatever position they want. But one can get an ass kicking also. So, I encourage him to run. You never bite the hand that feeds you. As for Richard "say no the the tax freeze for elderly and disabled" Garcia who really cares.
Richard, I know you read this I'm going to give you some E-News advice. IBC Bank is looking to finance anyone who wants to take on Noe Gonzalez for dist.judge!
I have been getting a lot of emails about wanting to see Ramiro Garza's contract and this golden parachute. I will request it! Since it is open to the public.