Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Golden Parachute!

What is a golden parachute? A golden parachute is a clause in your contract stating that if a person were to get fired. They would have to pay that person a lump sum of money.

Do you have a golden parachute clause? It would be nice to get one considering how the economy is. Ramiro Garza, director of EDC has a six month parachute clause. That would mean, if Ramiro were to get fired by the city. The city of Edinburg would have to pay for six months of his salary after he's fired. Who decided to put this golden parachute into his contract? It was former mayor Richard Garcia.

We do have some news to report to you. Gus Garcia will not run for re election. He has his sites on running for congress. I don't think this is a good move on his part. Besides Edinburg! Who really knows him?

I would like to see Elias Longoria from Lone Star National Bank run in Gus'slot. He would make for one fine city council member.

Dist. Judge Juan Partida will have an opponent. And his name is Tony Canales. That should be a very interesting race.

A promise gone bad!

When Rene Guerra last ran for re election. During the run off between Alma Garza. Rene Guerra made a promise to the Palacios family. Help him get re elected and this will be the last time he would run for office. This would make it clear sailing for Terry Palacios to throw his sombrero into the ring. Well, looks like Rene Guerra has had a change of heart. He will be running once again for DA.

I would like to applaud Rene for basically lying to the P family. Way to go!

Noe Garza already has an opponent. This race will get ugly really fast.