Saturday, November 01, 2008

Other People Start To Weigh In On Carmen Gonzalez

I read a press release in which school board member Carmen Gonzalez said she had been brought up in poverty and she was happy to promote the school bond. Does she not know who pays these off?

Currently, Edinburg ISD is carrying a heavy debt of almost one-quarter BILLION dollars -- $221,402,611.00 (according to the Texas Bond Review Board, a state agency that tracks local government debt.) That is before the proposed $112 million bond initiative.

Let’s look at Edinburg ISD. According to the Texas Education Agency’s website, the school district’s staff are 53% NONTEACHERS – and only 47% are teachers. The average professional support staff salary is $55,628 and teachers make only $44,651. Less than half their revenue is spent on instruction and the academic rating is only academically acceptable, second from the bottom.

So, I would suggest to the Honorable Carmen Gonzalez and the other school board members…don’t bring out the pom-poms and cheer this deferred tax increase/bond election too eagerly.

You may intend to leave our children a bright future, but are really leaving them a legacy of debt.

What's that ole saying? When it rains it pours? Well, it's pouring on Carmen's campaign.

We got some breaking news: Ready for this? Terry Palacios running for DA! These people want to control everything!