Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Aaron Pena Is The Only One Who Hasn't Filed Legislation For A Law School In The Rio Grande Valley

Aaron Pena wasn't the only one to file legislation for a medical school here in the Rio Grande Valley. Mando Martinez and Eddie Lucio III have also filed legislation to bring down a medical school to the Rio Grande Valley.

They both even filed legislation to bring down a law school to the Rio Grande Valley. But it seems that Aaron Pena has yet to file legislation for a law school in the Rio Grande Valley. Where is the law school Aaron?

Eddie Lucio III legislation filed.

Law School

Medical School

Mando Martinez legislation filed.

Law School

Medical School

Aaron Pena's legislation filed

Medical School

No Law School?

But he did file legislation to change the qualifications for a new elections administrator.

I can already here the excuses from Aaron Pena. Don't blame me I filed for a medical school. It's not my fault it didn't get passed.

I'm sure your going to vote for Craddick over a Mexican-American. Why don't you use your vote as leverage? A vote for Craddick means a medical school for the Rio Grande Valley.

Next time you file something that you want to bring to the Rio Grande Valley (a.k.a drug treatment center)please discuss this with the elected officials here in our county first. Or while your at it. Why don't you ask Craddick for the state to fund your drug center?