This is today's posting by Aaron Pena:
A sad state of affairs in my neighboring county as several prominent public officials including Vice-President Dick Cheney are fighting indictments by the local prosecutor. Although I am not a big fan of the vice-president, this unfortunate situation can bring sympathy to the most unsympathetic figure. Unfortunately these are the indignities paid by public figures.
He used the word sympathy! Why do you feel bad about this? A grand jury indicted these people. Are you saying that the grand jury is incompetent? Or are you bias because your BOSS is defending one of the defendants?
Do you agree with criminal activity? Are you saying that Lucio and the others did nothing wrong?
Let the criminal justice system run it's course. And we shall see who is guilty and who is innocent. Why come to the defense of these people when you don't even know what the hell took place?
You got other serious problems! The Tx AG's office is now investigating Aaron Pena Jr. Which means they will start to open up other doors just to see what you have been up to. You now opened up a Pandora's box.