Carmen talking about the corruption going on over at PSJA.
"What it should teach all of us is we should be open with meetings, to be sure our agendas reflect every position and make public as much as you can about the process that was used to follow a final decision,” said Carmen Gonzalez, the Edinburg school board’s president.
Could it be that maybe she thinks there is nothing wrong with being employed by NES and also voting for NES while on the school board? What you have here is probably denial! I don't know who she has been talking to. But this my friends is against the law. Now, you will begin to see the pressure mount over this in the coming weeks. Look for Carmen to use the school attorney as a way out. I can already hear it. I was never advised by counsel what I was doing was wrong. The school attorney better start looking for another job.
It's a matter of time before the blame game begins.
Obama vs McCain
You would think after the Republicans being in office for the past eight years. Obama would have an easy road to victory. What seems to be the problem? I believe the message Obama is sending out is to complicated for the average American. Ever heard the phrase short, simple and to the point? Yes, McCain got a bump from the Republican convention. Yes, everyone wants to know who Sarah Palin is. And the more I hear from her. The more I think about Aaron Pena. One lie after another. Yes, it is sickening but very true.
Don't know if any of the Obama folks read this blog. But if they do. Keep it short, simple and to the point. You need to tell the American people that under your plan. Anyone making $250,000 or less will get a tax break. Anyone making more than $250,000 a year will receive a tax increase. All McCain talks about is how Obama is going to raise taxes. Not true! But I strongly believe this is working!
The message should be clear as day! As for Sarah Palin one lie after another. Says she was against the bridge to nowhere? Not true! While campaigning for governor. She was for the bridge.
Said she got rid of the airplane that came with the governor's office. And put it on Ebay. Yes, she did put it on ebay. But didn't sell it on ebay. Said she got rid of the chef that came with the governors mansion. Not true actually gave the chef a new job with the state of Alaska. Like I said lie after lie after lie. Sounds like one of our local politicians. Lol
Keep an I on IKE
After going through a category one hurricane. The Rio Grande Valley is not ready to go through a category 3. There is just no way! Keep your eyes on the television. And let us hope that the high pressure coming from British Columbia in the days ahead will cause Ike to go more north. Cause if that fails. Then we will be in for quite a ride.