Monday, September 29, 2008

Anyone Looking To File A Complaint with TEA? Now is your chance!

A quote taken from The Monitor in reference to corruption allegations.

If a conflict is found to exist, it would be up to the board to take action to correct it, Canby said. If the PSJA board does not act, and TEA receives a written complaint about the situation from anyone, the state agency could investigate.

TEA would expect the school board to investigate the matter itself, Canby said, noting that a conflict may exist in this instance if the school district is not getting the best possible price.

The complaint would be Carmen Gonzalez sitting on the ECISD School Board and continues to vote for her employer NES.

From the TEA website!

How to File a Complaint

What is a complaint?
A complaint is a written allegation of non-compliance with requirements that invokes the jurisdiction of the TEA.

Who may file a complaint?
Any person, group of individuals, or organization may file a complaint.

What does a complaint need to contain?
A complaint needs to be written and addressed to the TEA. The person making the complaint must sign the complaint or TEA will need to verify the person who is filing the complaint. The complaint should contain sufficient information for the TEA to adequately address the concerns. It is helpful to include as much detail as possible so that the TEA can understand what occurred, when it occurred, and the basis for the complaint.

E-mail Complaints
If a complaint is sent to TEA by email, it is TEA's policy to verify the person sending the complaint. The sender will be requested to provide their full name, phone number, and complete address before the TEA takes any action on the complaint.

What Happens After Filing a Complaint?

Review of the Complaint.
TEA staff will review the complaint to ensure that it has sufficient information to adequately address the complaint. If the complaint does not contain sufficient information, TEA will notify the complainant in writing.

Notice of Receipt.
Within 10 business days, TEA will send a written notice that the complaint was received.

Notice of Review or Notice of Investigation.
TEA will send a written notice to appropriate individuals of the action that will be taken on the complaint. The notice may request additional information. If the complaint will not be investigated, the TEA division will notify the appropriate individuals, in writing, and state the reason for the determination.

Resolution and Investigative Procedures.
The TEA division conducting the review or investigation will follow its resolution or investigation procedures. The division’s procedures will include any timelines for issuing a written decision. The division’s procedures are available upon request.