Friday, February 22, 2008

So Who Won The Presidential Debate?

Before the debate began. I thought Hillary had to hit a home run to stop the momentum of Obama. I thought Hillary won the debate. But she did not hit the home run she wanted.

What happened to Hillary? At the beginning of this election she was way ahead of Obama. What happened? I have said from day one. Hillary needs to come down to earth and be herself. I always thought she was to much of a political machine. People want someone that is human. Someone they can relate to.

Also, I feel that if you talk to her. She seems that she wants to bite your head off. (My opinion)

I'll tell you the difference between both candidates. And why people are swaying one way and not the other.

Barack Obama is down to earth. He keeps it short, simple and to the point. Hillary is a political machine.

That is the difference of who will lead us. As the next president of US.