Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Carmen Gonzalez Is Trying To Change Policy

The school board members run every three years. Well, Carmen is trying to change that to every four years. Why? She knows that if she runs again she will lose and lose big. Let the voters decide!

When you worked for ECISD you had to fill out a job description. I wonder if Carmen lied and put that she was never arrested for family violence. The job application is public information. And the public has a right to know if you did lie or not.

And if you did I say that is grounds for removal of office. Get on the phone and call your school administrators and let them know that you are outraged that Carmen would even think about changing policy.

A certain piece of legislation was filed in the house of representatives about changing the terms from three to four years. It died in committee.

We live in a democracy. Let the voters decide your fate. I'm not the only one that can see the writing on the wall.