Friday, June 22, 2007

Town Hall Meeting Set for This Sat @ 11:00am

WHAT: Texas Democratic Party Town Hall Meeting

WHO: TDP Chair Boyd Richie

State Representative Aaron Pena (Republican)
State Representative Veronica Gonzalez (Doesn't really know what party she belongs to)
State Representative Eddie Lucio III (Republican)


Town Hall Meeting 11:00 am - 1:00pm

WHERE: Student Union Theater
University of Texas Pan Am
1201 W. University
Edinburg, TX 78541

One question comes to mind. How can we trust the democratic party when you people go to Austin and vote for a Republican Speaker? That is the one million dollar question.

Do you trust any of the state reps. we have now? Aaron Pena voted for a republican. Eddie Lucio III voted for a republican. The only reason Veronica didn't cast her vote for Craddick was because Craddick wasn't going to help her if a republican ran against Veronica.

Sure enough a republican will be running against her. Now she really didn't do a damn thing for her district up in Austin.

The problem here is that these people tell all of us that there true democrats. Then they get to Austin and everything changes. Do you ever see a Republican supporting a Democrat? Hell no! That's unheard of.

Aaron will come out an tell you well we had to vote for a republican to get things for our district. BULL! You voted and even gave a speech for Craddick and you still didn't bring anything to your dist.

A drug rehab center! Who in the hell wants a drug rehab center in there own back yard? I don't!

I do not trust the democratic party we have down here. Juan Maldonado, our democratic chairman, has done nothing, nada, zero. It's sad, it's very sad. That's why we need to get rid of these idiots and bring back honesty and integrity to our dist.