“What it should teach all of us is we should be open with meetings, to be sure our agendas reflect every position and make public as much as you can about the process that was used to follow a final decision,” said Carmen Gonzalez, the Edinburg school board’s president.
Carmen, you have no room to talk. You belong in that same group. You were arrested for family violence. You should be far, far, away from our kids. You, of all people have no right to be giving interviews with your history.
Maybe The Monitor interviewed you cause you can relate how it feels to get arrested. You should step down as an elected official. We, elect people that are going to do right for the district. Not someone that going to give us a history lesson on getting arrested at the island.
I'm shocked Aaron Pena didn't come out and honor you with a resolution. He's giving those out to everyone. Sorry Aaron that's not going to help you get re-elected. By the way I'm sure Richard Garcia is still waiting for his resolution.
One votes for a Republican for Speaker. The other gets arrested for family violence. And these are people we elect? It's a damn shame!