Friday, June 08, 2007

The Monitor vs Aaron Pena

If you read The Monitor in either today's edition or yesterday's. You will see Veronica Gonzales and Juan Hinojosa. There was no photos of Aaron Pena. The only reason I knew he was there was because of the television coverage and in today's edition of the Edinburg Review.

Right there was Aaron Pena shoulder to shoulder with our Gov. Rick Perry. And The Monitor decided to cut Aaron out of the photo. Coincendence or does the paper have an ax to grind?

Aaron did vote for Craddick. And I do know that the editor of The Monitor and Craddick are good friends. I guess only time will tell. The Monitor has a habit of doing hatchet jobs on certain elected officials. Even when you spend thousands of dollars in advertising they seem not to care. Just ask Ric Godinez.

Craddick has called in the lobbyists and has demanded between $150,000 to $200,000 in funds for Aaron's campaign.

The trial lawyers are already out and endorsing a certain candidate that will run against the teachers rep.

By the way! Aaron says he has his eye on a democrat for speaker. The name is Sly Turner.

Here is what Mr. Turner brings to the table:

* Teacher pay-raise: Sylvester Turner supported the Noriega amendment to this year's budget, which would have swept all funds for a failed incentive pay program for an across the board teacher pay raise. Within the hour, he switched his vote and voted against it.

* Civil liberties: Sylvester Turner voted against Charlie Howard's "religious viewpoints" bill, a piece of legislation inspired by Bill O'Reilly's War on Christmas that essentially turns every spelling bee and morning announcements period into a fire-and-brimstone tent revival. Within the hour, he switched his vote and voted for it.

* Suppoting our troops (for real): Sylvester Turner voted against increasing funding for counseling for wounded and disabled veterans. Paul Burka has some analysis of that vote here.(Incidentally, once they realized they had lost this vote, twenty Republicans from Team Craddick made entries in the journal switching their vote to support this amendment. On this vote, Turner decided to go down with the ship and kept his vote with the speaker).

* Enforcing child support payments: Sylvester Turner voted against providing more funds to crack down on deadbeat dads who don't pay child support.

* The Children's Health Insurance Program: Voting agains tkeeping funding for your own bill in the budget seems like a pretty counterintuitive step to take, but not for Sylvester Turner. He voted against instructing the conferees for this session's budget to retain funding for his own bill.

There is NO way that a Republican will vote for a Democrat for Speaker. My prediction! Turner vs Craddick then in the end. Turner pulls out of the race. And low and behold you got the dictator again.

Edinburg News predicts J.L Salinas vs Charlie Espinoza Stay tune!

Well I'm on my way to Vegas with my daughter and hubby. Will be out of pocket for a couple of days. Hope all is well! Have a great weekend!

When you look in the mirror. Ask yourself! Am I Edinburg News :)